NetPlusUltra®-Enabled Digital Rights Engineering, by Daniela BERNDT

Please Declare Your Goodwill

In terms of organizational size and levels of individual and collective responsibility, your activity will be tested through four main stages of development, which represent as many orders of magnitude: as a franchised author duly identified and localized at the gLocal level, you are first of all expected to qualify as a pilot, self-employed so as to remain self-sustained. Which is why the pilot's dashboard pertaining to the Webfolio of activities which funds you is conceived so as to adapt to any type of business range, whether you are managing an agency operating at the regional level (very short-haul flight), a national foundation (short-haul flight), or an international NGO (medium to long-haul flights). This also means that Planet+Ultra® is not ruled by Wall Street, for the sake of international security and socio-economic peace between the nations.
Remastering postponed to a later date
In the meantime, please refer to v3.0/2020 of this page:
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